Feb. 2, 2024

Big Changes in Fixed Ops ft Owen Moon

Big Changes in Fixed Ops ft Owen Moon
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I'm A Car Chick

Welcome to another episode of Chicks in Charge: Automotive Edition! Today, we have an incredible guest joining us, Owen Moon. Owen is a Director at TradePending, as well as a remarkable co-founder of Fixed Ops Digital, which was recently acquired by TradePending. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Owen has become an accredited speaker and has graced the stage of numerous prestigious automotive events including Digital Dealer, The Fixed Ops Roundtable, Kain Success Workshop, and several Dealer 20 Groups nationwide. He is truly a sought-after expert in the industry. What sets Owen apart is his unmatched passion for giving back to the automotive community. He is always eager to share his insights and help others in the industry thrive. If you'd like to connect directly with him, you can reach Owen at 605-376-0195 or by email at omoon@tradepending.com.

Get ready to be inspired by Owen Moon's wealth of automotive expertise and his dedication to empowering others in this exciting episode of Chicks in Charge: Automotive Edition

#ChicksInChargeAutomotive #OwenMoonExpertise #AutomotiveInspirations #TradePendingTalks #FixedOpsDigitalJourney #EmpowerWithOwen #AutoIndustryInsights #DigitalDealerDialogues #KainSuccessShowcase #Dealer20GroupsDive #OwenMoonSpeaks #ChicksInChargePodcast #AutoCommunityConnection #OwenMoonPassion #ThriveInAuto #TradePendingAcquisitions #FixedOpsLeadership #AutomotiveEmpowerment #OwenMoonInFocus #CarTalksWithExperts #ChicksInChargeChat #DrivingSuccessWithOwen #AutomotiveEventsHighlight #MoonlightingInAuto #ChicksInChargeWelcomesOwen